Thursday, June 21, 2012

Parking Garages

After a beautiful wedding ceremony this morning I had a much less than beautiful disaster...

Prior to the wedding I called Jake and told him, "I know I am going to forget, so remind me that I parked on Level P3 next to the U3 pole." Jake thought I was crazy but promised to remind me none the less. So I went to the wedding, enjoyed the beautiful sealing, congratulated the beautiful couple, stuck around in the beautiful weather for some beautiful pictures then decided that work was calling my name so I should probably head out.

On my way to the parking garage I remembered all by myself that I was parked on level P3 next to the U3 pole and I didn't even have to call Jake! I walked down to where I thought level P3 was with some other wedding guests and quickly realized that there was no U3 there... They asked if I needed a ride or if they should stick around until I found my car but I simply waved them off and told them it was probably level P2 and I was just crazy so they could leave and I would see them at the reception later.

I began searching in high heels and a clingly dress through Levels P2, P1, and P4 for that stupid U3 pole that I couldn't find on P3 and had no luck! I started sweating and I really had to go to the bathroom and maybe I wanted to cry a little bit. I called Jake after 20 minutes of searching and clarified that I wasn't crazy and he verified that I told him P3 U3... He then suggested I pray about it - been there done that, about 20 times - I had just come from the temple, it was my first thought and I was really feeling lucky with the spirit on my side, but apparently the time wasn't right quite yet. Jake also suggested hitting the panic button. Our car is ghetto, it has no panic button.

Another 10 minutes of looking and I called Taylor (my amazing and wonderful sister-in-law) and enlisted her help in finding my lost car. She arrived after being hastled by the parking guard about coming into a full lot and her and I having quite the difficult time just finding each other in that blasted parking garage. We drove around for another 15 minutes searching for P3 U3 with still no luck. I'm pretty positive we now know the parking lot under the conference center like the back of our hands. At one point we found a car that looked identical to ours and I even got out and tried to unlock it only to be shut down. I called Jake again and his words of advice, "You should totally blog about this!" My thoughts, "Thanks Jake, I'll be sure to do that if I ever get out of this freaking parking garage!!"

Finally after no less than fifty minutes of searching, and me seriously considering quitting my job, or making Jake come pick me up and fail his final, or just moving into that parking garage, Taylor and I found our car on level P3 next to the U3 pole. We almost drove passed the freaking row because we thought we already looked there. My car was hidden in a half row with only like 5 other cars parked there. P3 was a half imaginary parking level that probably only existed when you really needed it, kind of like that room in the Harry Potter books.

After I finally got in my car I decided that my first idea to park on the hill next to the conference might not have been a bad idea after all, lesson learned the hard way. Well, all that set aside, I hope that Scott and Tehani had a wonderful wedding - it is a wedding I will always remember!


  1. Seriously this event would have made for much better reality TV then the Kardashians! haha I just wonder how many times I drove by that row... Well I am glad you made it out sane enough to blog about it.

    1. Not that I'm obsessed with Seinfeld or anything, but there is a Seinfeld episode called "The Parking Garage" and they spend the entire time trying to find their car lol.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm so sorry Karlie!! That parking lot is crazy! I always make Bronzson park by the elevators so we don't get lost :)
