Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The reason for my lack of blogging is not because we have a crazy busy life and there's just no time to blog. The reason for my lack of blogging is not because I have too many things to say and I just don't know how to put it.
The reason for my lack of blogging is not because I was keeping you waiting for something amazing.
The reason for my lack of blogging is not because I don't want you to read my blog.

The reason for my lack of blogging is because this is basically our life schedule at this point:
(Please notice how frequently school takes over my husbands life at this time. No need to have pity for me though, I do that enough by myself.)

(Does this show resemblence of the schedule of an 80 year old women?)

I'm pretty sure that doesn't interest any of you, hence, the lack of blogging. So I apologize. However, I will delight you with some of my random thoughts and hope for a little input on some of the questions below:

Since Jake and I lack cable capabilities (we are too poor) we watch TV series instead. We recently finished watching "How I Met Your Mother" (all seasons) and "Happy Endings" - We need some opinions for new great shows that we should watch. We prefer humorous shows please.

Jake thinks that Dyson beats Oreck, I prefer Oreck. What do you prefer? What are your reasons?

Now that Medical School is in the not so distant future, Jake and I are looking at places to apply. Does anyone have any thoughts in this area? What states are super awesome? Where would you most likely visit me if we attend school there?

I'm really enjoying this book, "Feel the Fear... and Do It Anyway" but there are definitely parts I don't agree with. I like self-help type books a lot, not necessarily because I believe everything in them, but I like to see how different people look at life. Some of my favorite books are "How To Win Friends and Influence People" and "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" -If you know any books like these, please share the knowledge.

I'm intently considering going back to school. It won't happen now, (because as mentioned before, we're poor) but I really do want to go back. I am toying with the idea of either getting a math endorsement or getting my masters. I looked into getting my masters in education and that doesn't really thrill me, but I've always been interested in teaching at a college level so I figured maybe I would go back for a masters in a health field so I could teach anatomy or something cool like that. I also absolutely love psychology! Who knows, maybe I will get a random degree.

For those of you that don't know, anxiety has been a huge issue for me in my life. I used to laugh at people who actually thought self talk worked, but through reading some of my self-help books, I actually think it's valuable. I wake up in the mornings and talk to myself about how awesome I am, and I really do think it's starting to help me. Either that, or I'm just making myself really cocky and unrealistic...

My sister is having a baby, she finds out what sex it is just a few weeks! Wow!

Jake and I have been married for 2 years this Saturday, time flies!! However, our engagement was forever long. Looking back to when I did this post seems like it was ages ago, I'm glad we made it past the engagement.

Well, I think that's enough of my random thoughts for now. Next time I post I promise it will be worth while. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! :)


  1. A couple of things. I've been a lame blogger too. I blame it on the heat. Also, we only had netflix for a while and then got cable and to be honest? I prefer just netflix. All the good stuff is on there anyways (The Office).

    I love 7 Habits and I'm just starting How to Win Friends and Influence people!!! So excited.

  2. First, I love How I Met Your Mother. Second, I would recommend Parks and Rec. I had seen a few episodes and wasn't a fan but then watched the entire series on Netflix and loved it. I was watching it while working out and almost dropped my weights on my head because I started laughing so hard. Right now I'm watching Psych which is also really funny. Third, it has been too long since I have seen you, we should fix that.

    1. How I Met Your Mother is the best, hands down! I've heard about Parks and Rec from my sister and she loves it too, that will just have to be our next choice. Agreed, it has been way too long! I ran into Ashley the other day but we only talked for like 5 minutes. I miss you guys!

    2. I'm with Holly! Parks and Rec is AMAZING! Bronz and I just finished the series. Also 30 Rock is pretty great :)

  3. OREGON.....OREGON.....OREGON!!! Or Washington would be nice too! Of course we would come visit you anywhere you know!!!

  4. I struggle with anxiety too so you should teach me your tricks :)

  5. Modern family is the best! We have a few of the seasons if you ever want to borrow them!

  6. GEORGIA! We live there and it is REALLY nice to have family nearby while you are in an intense school program like medical school (law school for us).

    TV shows: Arrested Development (probably right up there with The Office), Parks and Rec, Better of Ted(Dead), Community, White Collar, Lost (if you STILL haven't seen all the seasons by chance)
