Friday, July 29, 2011

Just a Thought

In our main lobby at work we have a huge beautiful fish tank. All the guests that come to our office always marvel at it while they are waiting to be attended to. They always ask me questions about the fish, rocks, and whatever else is living in the tank that I can never answer.
While I was sitting at the front desk at work today one of the Attorney's wife and child came in to the office to visit. The little boy rushed straight over to the huge fish tank. He was mesmerized by it and just thought that it was the coolest thing. A few minutes later his dad walked out of his office and came to the lobby to greet his visitors. The little boy didn't even notice that his dad had entered the room because he was too busy looking at the fish. The dad came over and tapped the boy on the shoulder and said, "It's pretty cool, huh? Alright... now let's go." The little boy turned and looked at his dad and said, "Dad, this is awesome!! Do you just stare at this every time you walk past it?" The dad then replied, "No, I see it everyday so it's nothing special to me."
I know this may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but for some reason it really made me think. I have taken this beautiful fish tank for granted. Just because I look at it everyday doesn't make the fish tank any less "special".
I've been complaining to Jake a lot lately. The situation today made me realize that I just need to chill out and be grateful for the little things that I am passing up everyday. I need to realize that just because I see something or do something everyday it still has a purpose. I need to be grateful for the beautiful fish tank at our office. I need to be happy I have the opportunity to work and go to school. I need to appreciate the wonderful basement that we live in. I need to thank those around me for the kind things they do for me everyday. I need to have a positive attitude about the future, no matter what it may hold. I have a lot to work on!

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