Monday, September 26, 2016

Kid Conversations

Kids truly say the craziest, funniest and sweetest things. I want to try and do a regular post, maybe once a month or something, about conversations I have with the kids that I want to remember forever. Here are just a few that have come up recently:

Anytime Jake or I leave there is a huge "script" the girls go through in saying goodbye. If we ever leave before they are finished saying all of it, there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth on their end. It goes as follows:
Girls: "Love you, have a great day, peace out, keep it real, catch you on the flip side, you're my homie, PEACE" (With their cute little fingers holding up a peace sign)
Me: Repeat everything they just said back to them
Girls: "Don't forget a hug and kiss"
Me: Hug and kiss them both
Girls: "And Lincoln too!! And Daddy too!!"
Me: Hug and kiss Lincoln too
Girls: "One more!!"
Me: Another round of hugs and kisses for all
Girls: "Love you, have a great day, peace out, keep it real, catch you on the flip side, you're my homie, be safe, bye, PEACE" (again with the two fingers)
Me: "Love you, bye!"
However, this is often followed by a follow up phone call with a few more farewells added in because they are in tears that they didn't get to add just a few more things before we left.

This one isn't cute or funny, but lately the girls have been saying, "You're not my sister anymore," when they get mad at each other. It breaks my heart. I know they are just mad at the time and they don't mean it or understand it but it still makes me sad. I want them to always be sisters and friends, even when they are frustrated with each other.

Randomly - Marlie: Don't let anyone throw up on you or poke you in the eye. Okay?

Me: What should we get daddy for his birthday?
June: A picture
Me: Of what?
June: You
Me: Ok. What should we get Lincoln?
June: A garbage can
Me: Ok... What should we get you?
June: A car, and a computer

Everything poop and pee related is now HILARIOUS. Just add poop in front of anything you say and you are guaranteed a splurge of giggles from two little girls.

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