Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Benefits of Twins

Having twins definitely comes with it's difficulties, but here are just a few reasons why twins are so great:

Since the twins were our first kids, having a single baby afterwards seemed so much easier. Don't get me wrong, having kids is super hard no matter how many you have, but being able to hand off the baby instead of each of us having our own to take care of was a welcomed change.

Built in friendship - This one puts my mind at ease for school, soccer team, dance classes, church, etc. There is always someone there to stand up for you and watch your back. They won't sit alone at the lunch table because they are guaranteed at least one other buddy. Not to mention, they are great at entertaining each other and making each other laugh. Watching them giggle together is probably one of my most favorite things in the world.

More kids to help out around the house. It's like I gained 4 arms to help me carry things, put away dishes and clothes, and grab diapers for Lincoln. They are in the most stellar stage of wanting to help out around the house. Sometimes it triples the time it takes to complete a task, but it's so worth it.

Double the snuggles and cuddles. Walking through the door to two little bodies wrapped around your legs is the greatest! Big bear hugs where your face is buried between two little munchkins - heaven!

They automatically know how to share. Ever since they were in my belly they have had to share, it's not always easy, but I've already noticed that sharing is much more innate for them than it is for Lincoln. My mother-in-law always shares stories about how Jake (my husband) and his twin brother Matt would always grab 2 of everything - one for them self, and one for their twin. My girls have started to do this too and it's so cute! I took June to Macey's with me the other day and when she got a sucker after we were done shopping she asked if she could get one for Marlie. At first I thought it was a trick for her to just get another sucker, but she carried that sucker the whole way home and gave it to Marlie right when we walked through the door.

Learning from each other and pushing each other to do better. Marlie learned how to walk first, but watching her sister walk gave June that extra push that she needed to start walking too. Marlie has a little larger vocabulary than June right now, so June often looks to Marlie if she doesn't know a word and Marlie helps to translate for her then June can add another word to her arsenal. June helps to stretch Marlie in social situations, when Marlie gets really nervous June grabs her hand and introduces her to her new friend. June also gets Marlie to do "scary" things she wouldn't normally do like climbing up the high part in the playground and going down the "big kid" slides.

There are so many benefits to twins but I will just post this adorable video of the girls that I can't stop giggling at and let you see why we love them so very much! They are best friends forever!


  1. Yes! Twins are the best! So glad I could FINALLY meet them!

  2. Karlie,
    I so enjoyed this blog post! You nailed it! And it reminded me of the sweet moments watching Jacob and Matthew playing and laughing together. Thank you for the jog down memory lane. It also warms my heart to see our children embracing the joy of parenthood! Love you, Jake, the twins, and little Lincoln 😘
