Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Annual Fall Post

I have noticed that several blogs I'm following are making the annual fall post about how awesome it is, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Here are a few ways that I know that fall is here...

-I get to pull out my five pairs of slippers and wear them without my feet sweating like crazy
-We keep the windows open at home and save $$$ by not using the AC
-It's (more) acceptable to wear sweats (I would wear these constantly if I could)
-Jake makes excuses to stay at school to watch the football games since we don't have TV at home
-I wear jackets to work and don't take them off the whole day
-The nob in my car has gone from the blue side to the red side more permanently
-We have already been assigned our Christmas assignments and the task of shopping has become daunting
-Everything pumpkin and seasonal has entered the Pinterest world
-I learned that Jake is not a fan of haunted houses, but he loves corn mazes
-I realize I have no seasonal decorations and I should check out the Pinterest world more seriously
-All of the spring time romance has turned into full term mommies in the fall
-The massive amount of summer weddings has finally calmed down

All in all, I too am excited for this upcoming season. I know in a few months I will be ready for the blazing heat again, but for now, I embrace the season.

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