Monday, July 30, 2012

The Many Hairstyles of Jake Mitchell

Jake is growing his hair out... (It's already bugging him though so who knows how much longer this will last... Yay!) Here are a few of my favorite styles.
The side view of his lucious locks!

This is his normal style - what a PYT! (pretty young thang!)

Natural or Beachy Curls

The Pull Back

The Hippie Headband

The Bed Head

The High Ponytail


  1. I think he should totally go for a mullet! ( :

  2. Hmmm I think my favorite is the bed head

  3. I say you do a grow-a-thon and get pledges for every cm you add in length. Then donate the money to a good cause. I pledge a dollar per centimeter (as long as I like your cause.)

  4. My favorite Jake hairstyle is the "mission/wedding" one. (Which I didn't see posted.)

  5. I completely agree with the mullet! Also Matt thinks that the bottom picture is actually him... haha

  6. I liked the Beachy waves! The luscious curls are gross.. they look all wet with sweat haha
