Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The missing pillow

Hey followers... its good to be back.
So awhile ago Karlie and I were getting ready for bed, I started pulling off all 11 of the pillows that Karlie has on the bed, (of which i am only allowed to use 2) and I realized that my most favorite pillow which is a wonderful down pillow that has served me well for years, was not there. So I ask Karlie where it was and she gets a look of "Oh crap he noticed." I could tell she was searching around for some kind of answer/lie to my inquiry, but nothing was coming so she just came out. She said hesitantly, " I threw it away." I stared at her in disbelief. I asked, "How long ago?'' I ask with a slight sound of betrayal in my voice. "About a month ago," she says with some sass (I hate sass). Naturally I am appalled at the fact that she threw away my all time favorite pillow when even though she knew it was my favorite pillow. She even had the audacity to try and switch it out with a knock off memory foam pillow (which are only ok and nothing more). They can't hold a finger to my down pillow. Karlie at this point started to defend herself by saying that it wasn't that big of a deal to me because I didn't even notice when she threw it out. Oh Karlie... On the contrary... I did! You can't all of a sudden switch out a down pillow I had been using for years for a cheap memory foam pillow without me noticing. I knew she did not like it, and had told me we were going to get rid of it for quite some time. But every time she would say that I would say that we can at least try and wash it first. That is what I thought the first night I slept without my pillow. I thought my pillow would be there waiting for me the next night. But while I was gone working... providing for her.... she threw it out, and most likely with out a thought about what I would have to say in this situation. She did not just throw out an old yet wonderful pillow, she threw out an old friend, she threw out comfort, she threw out a very small piece of my soul. That pillow gave me many wonderful dreams, got me through terrifying nightmares, and gave many wonderful and needed hours of sleep, and that pillow never asked for anything in return. I wish Karlie would have told me she threw him out, it would have given me one last chance thank him for all he has done, and to say one final goodbye. My old friend is gone, but life still moves on. But every time I wake up to adjust the unforgiving memory foam (memory, really?......more like bad memory cuz its not a good one) pillow I think of him that was.
Rest in peace old friend, rest in piece.

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