Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome to Adulthood

So I didn't think that adulthood was actually a word, but I just spell checked it and... it is! Anyway, I realize that I have already posted three times today but while I have time I want to get all of this weekends activities in the blog before they are out dated. So... I'm 21! Yay! Jake was such a wonderful husband on my birthday just as he always is. On Saturday morning I woke up to this...
 A room full of streamers that Jake decorated at 1:30 a.m. while I was peacefully sleeping in the same room. He is a sneaky one. It was definitely a big surprise. The streamers are still hanging in our room because they are just so much fun, it makes everyday life seem like a party! I also woke up to this...
My favorite breakfast, french toast! He also made the great kind that his mom makes with actual french bread! So delicious! Yes, we still have the same centerpiece from Matt and Taylor's wedding nearly a month ago, it's just so pretty... even if it is dying... 

Later that day I had a soccer game which we won by 5, such a great birthday present! Then Jake and I just ran some last minute Father's Day errands and watched a movie. It was a nice relaxing day and I was so glad that Jake took the day off to be with me! That evening we went to dinner at Red Robin with Hailey, Todd, Kaylyn, Anisa, Katie and Dave, some of my most favorite people! Thanks for a wonderful dinner guys! I had a wonderful birthday! Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes as well, love you all!


  1. Happy Birthday!! I am glad it was a good one.

  2. We totally need to live closer to you party animals!!!

    Maybe Jake could teach Tyson a thing or two about fun surprises =0)

    Happy adulthood! =0)
