Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Husband

Well... Here I am, Karlie's infamous husband. She has been asking me to add to this blog for months now, so here I am, throwing my hat into the ring. As you may have gathered from Karlie my name is Jacob Lester Mitchell. I hail from Tulsa Oklahoma where my dad was attending medical school. We bounced around to a few different places after Tulsa, Oregon, Three different towns in Idaho and finally Utah. My parents since have moved back up to Oregon country while a few of their six sons remain here in Utah. I am in my 26th year of life and to be honest I feel great! I am currently in school to follow in my dad's footsteps of becoming a doctor. Unfortunately I still have a ways to. I am a twin and older than him by five minutes. Anyway, I think that is enough about me for right now. I think the reason Karlie wants me to add to this blog is to see how I view our relationship and see what I have to say from time to time. So here is what I see in this relationship (besides whatever Karlie allows me to see....Love you sweetie) Karlie and I met at Raintree Apartments in Provo Utah. She was laying by the pool reading a book in her swimming suit. My first thought when I saw here were, "Dang, dat girl be fine!" She was so pretty that my mind could not even focus on proper sentence structure. But I was not about to be that guy who goes over to the pretty girl with his shirt off, flex  his pecs and say, " Hey, Hows it going?" Let's just say I am not the most forward guy when it comes to meeting women. I plan was just to sit back and some how get her attention and see where things go from there. Luckily fate was on my side. I had moved into a different apartment at Raintree during the summer with a bunch of complete strangers. Fortunately my roommate was Karlie's Ex-boyfriend, and he said, "Hey Jake, let's go swimming!" I said, "Sure!" and that was when I saw Karlie by the side of the pool. So my roommate seeing his ex-girlfriend said, "Hey! it's Karlie!" I looked over at him in disbelief. "How does he know this girl? and why haven't I met her yet?" I thought, while the same time not really caring why or how he knew and that could not wait to be introduced. We were shortly introduced and we started a simple conversation. She, at the time, was dating someone but thankfully it was about to end. My roommate later week put her phone number in  my phone and sent her a text for me, and we started talking. We met up a few times more after that in group settings and it started to become clear that we liked each other. One thing led to another and we were married on the Fourteenth of July 2010. I obviously left out a lot of details , but that is how we met and my side of it. Since we met we have had some great adventures, and I am grateful to have spent them with her. She is my life and I love her. Know that I have officially started blogging, I will start to show The Husband's side of our relationship. I will share stories that I am sure Karlie will not be happy about, but I call it as I see it.  Well thanks for your time and come back soon.


  1. Jake. Stop. You rock. Stop. Maybe I can talk Tyson into adding his two cents to our blog. Stop. Or maybe you can talk him into it for me =0). Stop. Enjoyed this post. Stop. Love you man!. Stop.

  2. Here's a story you could add... We always drive to Cedar to hang with the coolest people Derek and Danica. On our way home we talk about how we wanna be just like them
