Friday, June 17, 2011

One Year Older and Wiser Too...

This Saturday is my 21st birthday and I will finally be an official adult! I decided to look back over my 20th year of life and see all the big exciting things that happened. Since I love lists, I'm going to do it in list form.

1. I married the man of my dreams (I promised myself not to be a teen bride and I made, even if it was only by about a month.)
2. We bought a car of our very own (This was a first for me, not for Jake)
3. I ran the Ragnar
4. Katie and Dave got married
5. James came home from his mission
6. Matt and Taylor got married
7. I became an aunt... twice! (The first time I married into becoming an aunt, but the second time Jackson was born and I was actually part of the family.)
8. I spent my first thanksgiving away from my family
9. I got in my first car accident... actually now that I think about it, two car accidents. Geez! (One of which is very memorable, it involves a bag and a necessary bathroom trip for those of you that have heard this embarrassing story.)
10. I learned how to cook a few things and they aren't half bad
11. Caden got his driving permit
12. I realized how old Caden is getting
13. I got one step closer to becoming a teacher (Graduation this winter!!!)
14. I inherited Jake's great friends (I'm so lucky! Thanks for being so cool guys!)
15. We started a blog!

I'm sure there are much more exciting things that I just can't think of, oh well! My 20th year was a great one, I look forward to what 21 brings!! We have lots of big plans for this upcoming year!

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