Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Ode To Milk

Growing up in a family of 8 kids, sometimes my mom did not always have time to make a cooked breakfast meal. So she went the way of cold cereal. Which we were completely content with. At times I would look forward to waking up and eating cold cereal because my mom had bought our favorite cereal. But the thing that makes cold cereal cold and delicious is the ice cold milk. Sometimes the cereal was there, but the milk was not. But we did not give up there we would try cold water...... not so good. We would try hot chocolate because it has a powder milk base.............. but its hot! Nothing works better than Milk. I love milk. I was a food storage baby and would sometimes get stuck with the chunky warm powder milk. When we would get that I would miss milk more than ever, and by then skim milk was like sweet mana from heaven. Once I moved out on my own, I loved buying milk and my favorite cereal and eating it to my hearts content. Sometimes for all three meals. However I fell in love with a girl who does not like milk..... why you ask? I have no idea. Its wonderful. So you may be asking where does she get her calcium? ( Because we all know milk is healthy and good for us, and helps us grow big and strong.) She takes calcium supplements. I know she is slapping milk right in the face. But with me being the only one in our house drinking milk I have to buy those small, almost embarrassing half gallon jugs. I constantly received judging eyes from people every time I pull the half gallon off the shelf. But I am working with her... do not worry one gallon size milk jug your day will come soon enough where you will find yourself in our nice cold fridge, and you will be poured over our favorite cereal and back into my life ( hopefully our life) soon enough.


  1. Oh milk, how we love thee!

    We just need to be neighbors, Jake. We currently have 4 gallons of milk in our fridge. Skim, 1%, 2%, and whole! Pick a jug, any jug =0)

  2. I think I seriously have had a dream like that.
