Today as I sit at work with not much to do, my mind is wandering to all of the wonderful people that I have had the opportunity to know over the course of my life. My amazing family, incredible friends, super great teachers, caring neighbors, awesome co-workers, respectful church leaders, etc. The list goes on forever.
Just a few weeks ago as I was cleaning out my old email inbox I came across an email from my sophomore english teacher, Ms. Nielsen. In her email she commented on how much she loved us as being her first students and how she wanted to hear from us five years down the road and again when we turned 25. I decided to take her up on this challenge and I emailed her and let her know where I was at in life and let her know that she had been a great teacher and left a great impression on me. I had hoped that she would get the email and tear up and just feel super awesome that day... but I never heard back from her, so I have no idea if she even got the email.
After I wrote this email I had a great idea, I should write a letter a day for the month of May to several people in my life that have had a huge impact on me whether it be family, friends, neighbors or whatever... I want them to be sincere heartfelt letters that the person will actually appreciate. I plan to personally send these letters via snail mail to each recipient because who doesn't love a real letter! No one ever gets exciting personal mail these days! (Unless there is a missionary in the mix) I know that I would love to receive a letter telling me I'm awesome and someone out there is thinking about me... I figured if I made it public that I am doing this I would actually go through with my idea. Also, I wanted to try it out so that maybe I could do this with my future students if it works out well. Let my students know that I care about them individually. So anyway, check your mailboxes, there might be a letter coming your way soon!!!
Hey Karlie! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!