Thursday, September 1, 2016

I Want to Blog

My life needs a journal outlet and at this point in my life this is it for me. I have been reading
SO MANY blogs over the past few months and couldn't help but feel the need to contribute my two cents to the internet once again. I have changed so much since I was blogging before and I'm ready to start again with a new outlook on what I post. I may not write regularly or about anything of interest to others, but...

I want to write.
I want to record my family history in more than just instagram posts - I want words, detail, emotion, and feelings that will take me back when I start to miss the little kid phase that we are neck deep in right now.
I want to voice my opinion and share my thoughts even if there's no one that really wants to read it.
I want to remember the the life I'm living and who my kids are becoming.
I want documented memories of the silly things the kids do and say every day.
I want to hold myself accountable for goals I set by sharing it with others.
I want to have a space to update family and friends that live so far away.
I want to share positive vibes, stories and encouragement for anyone that stops to read along.
I want to show the real life that we live - not just flowers and sunshine but the tears and tantrums too. (not just from the kids)
I want proof of my sentimental moments that show my husband and children how deeply I love them.
I want a way to reflect on my day to day life.

So here we go again...