Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our New Life

Now that Jake and I are all moved in we have some adjustments to make...

What we don't have:
We have no TV and thus far I love it! We no longer come home and plop in front of the TV for entertainment, it's so great! We talk more and we get things done quicker without the distraction of a TV looming in the background. There are so many fun things that we can do instead of zone out. Although, I might start getting bored quick and change my mind about the lack of television.

We have no microwave and thus far it's totally fine! This forces me to actually make meals instead of having frozen pizza every other night. Since we don't have a TV I also have more time to try out a bunch of Pinterest meals I've been itching to try out.

We have no garbage disposal and I don't care! This isn't really a problem for me, Jake seemed concerned at first... but he never used it in the first place so I think we will be just fine.

We have no dishwasher and I kinda don't love it! Since I am trying out all these fancy Pinterest meals, I tend to use every dish in our house and don't love the idea of cleaning all of them after slaving over a hot stove. (Ok, the meals aren't really that intense I'm just trying to make a point.)

We have no family right above our head which is a love/hate situation for me. I miss running upstairs to get some forgotten ingredients or just chat w/ the fam when Jake isn't home until late. Although, I don't miss the clicking of high heels at 7:00 Sunday morning or feeling like we are intruding when we laugh too loud at 11:30 on a Saturday night.

What we do have:
We do have a pretty pathetic shower and it's not my favorite. Coming from having a shower with two heads and tons of room, it's hard for me to adjust to a leaky pipe in the wall. Jake claims that it takes him back to the mission and he loves it even though the water pressure is minimal and he has to squat to wash his armpits. Thank heavens I'm short! :)

We do have great big windows that let in all the light and air we can handle and it is my favorite! We actually wake up in the mornings because we can see the sun! We also don't have to use the AC or turn on the lights all that often because of these spectacular windows, saving some money!!

We do have brand spanking new carpet and stove and it's the bomb.com. Everytime I open our door I get to devour the lovely smell of new carpet (one of my favorite smells next to the musty air conditioner when you turn on the car, yum!!). Everytime I cook I gaze at the shiny stove inside and out without a lick of burnt spagetti or broiled over potatoes and it makes me smile!

We do have super awesome neighbors and I couldn't be more excited! We can hang out with our friends without driving anywhere. Woot Woot!

We do have a great ward and it's great! I love that I'm not the youngest girl in relief society by at least 20 yrs anymore. I also love that there are about 50 babies in our ward that I often get distracted by, so cute!

We do have shorter commutes to work and school. Going from pretty much an hour to 30 minutes is insanely great! If Jake wanted, he could even walk to school - probably my favorite!

Even though I might complain a little bit about somethings, I couldn't be happier to be where we are now. We are finally on our own and somehow this has made us fall even more in love, Ididn't even know it was possible but somehow it happened.


  1. I was surprised how little I missed the garbage disposal, too! And I'm beyond pumped to be out of my parents/my home ward. That's been less than desirable. haha. Where did you guys move?!

  2. I wish I had written a post about the house we're renting as soon as we moved in because there were SO SO many things to get used to! In fact, I still think about writing about it but then I try to remember everything that bothered me at first and I've forgotten most of them! Tyson and I have come to accept the fact that it's simply helping us focus more on the important stuff- -and we love it! I hope we can visit you guys in your new place soon!

  3. YAY for Summer Tree! I am glad you like it around here :)
