Friday, April 20, 2012

Embarrassing Moments

The following items may or may not have happened recently...

I sewed part of my finger off while sewing the skirt posted below... or... Jake bit his tongue while talking

I fell out of my chair while attempting to sit down...or...Hailey fell out of her chair while attempting to sit

My skirt blew up while walking into work...or...My co-workers skirt blew up while walking into work

I was taking a sharp corner and ran into the wall...or...Jake walked into a glass door

I almost walked into the men's restroom ... or... my boss almost walked into the womens restroom

Sadly - I am the one who has experienced all of these embarrassing moments. Except for the last one, in this case, both me and my boss almost walked into the wrong bathroom on the same day within minutes of each other. It was pretty funny - I love sitting next to the bathrooms. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I was wearing a lightweight skirt at Brooke's softball game the other day and the wind was crazy. Bad idea. Apparently it's called "Bearing Your Testimony" when everyone gets to see your G's....
