Monday, February 20, 2012

Better Late Than Never...

For Valentines day this year Jake made me some beautiful cards along with purchasing me some new yarn since I am slightly obsessed with making hats at this point in life...

 Jake's cards were very unique, here are just a few of the sayings he came up with...

1. I HATE (in big letters) not spending time with (in small letters) YOU (in big letters)
2. You are swell. - With a hand drawn picture of a swollen ankle inside the card. It was probably my favorite...
3. Roses are red, violets are blue... anytime you need to nervous poop, I'll hold the bag for you. (Our little inside joke)
4. The following card was in book form: Dearest Karlie... If you were a book... In the world's largest library... I would check you out.
5. With a broken pencil glued on: Life without you is like a broken pencil... completely pointless.
6. The last one was actually sentimental so I think I will just keep that one to myself :)

He is my favorite! I couldn't ask for a better husband. I love that he never changes who he is and makes every holiday unique to his personality. He is amazing! Happy love day!

1 comment:

  1. Its funny because Matt made me the same life without you is like a broken pencil only on accident he wrote with you haha
